So today I was sitting at work talking with my girlfriends and the conversation of their weddings came up. (a very normal thing I might add.) But this time it was cause they were unsure if they really wanted their parents to even be there which was the weirdest thing to me. That hadn't been a thought when I was coming up with my guest list, my parents were naturally at the top of my list along with their spouses. This was when I realized just how good I had it when it comes to my family. Yea my parents might not get along the best but they love me without thought.
There was even a time when they were both fighting to HAVE me. That was a very hard period in my life but now that I look back on it it makes me really realize that they love me enough to fight for me, and as weird as it may sound, it warms my heart.
My mom is my best friend. Not that my dad and I aren't super close, my mom and I just have a different kind of bond. One of my most fond memories was as a high school girl was going up to Eugene Oregon to see my brother and his family. While we were there my mom and I had a girls night at a hotel near my brothers house. We went to the store cracking jokes along the way that made our belly's hurt so badly from laughing. On our way in my mom told me, "I'm so glad to have a daughter that's my best friend." As I told this story to my girlfriends at work they said that they envied me for what I had.
Gossip can be good sometimes, it made me remember something so important in life.

we seriously are so lucky to have such awesome families! it makes me sad to hear about other people not getting along with their parents.