Sunday, January 12, 2014

For the kids

Today I have Been reflecting on a rather dark period in my life. Not that I did anything bad or wrong but it was just very depressing. When I was 16 on the first day or school for my junior year, I found out that my parents were divorcing.... Great first day of school huh? I don't need to go in to the details but I became very depressed and honestly didn't know why. I had great friends, parents who loved me, was on an amazing cheer team (yeah I was a cheerleader,) but I was just so deeply sad. After some counseling I realized that even with all of the good in my life I still had some big reasons to be feeling off.
Thankfully I was able to get myself sorted, and also thankfully I stayed a good girl who didn't make any stupid mistakes. I am who I am today because of all that I went through and am much stronger for it.
The reason I have reflected on these hard memories is because a family member has decided to get a divorce. I'm sure both sides are at fault. And honestly no matter what either one has done to each other it won't stop my love for the both of them. Yes it might taint my opinion but I love both of them without end. They have a couple children and right now all I can is think about them. It physically pains me to think about what those sweet children are going through because I know almost exactly what they are going through. I just want the best for them and I love them so much.

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